GeT HooKeD bY uS.....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Poor Adri....lost her hp....lets observe a moment of silence for her phone 1st before we continue.


Okie, lets continue....i know she ain't in the best of mood. Anyway, a thing to be brought up, Adri regarding the appeal that was not something i thought of, it was something my fren, Da Pao Sian told me one. He said it was possible but don't ask me i got no idea how to go about doing that.

Yesterday on MSN, my MSN pal asked me if he could come to my house. Crazy, thats like letting the big bad wolf in the pig's home. This guy, lets called him A, A did asked me before to have sex with him or even worse ask me to be his part time. haha stupid sia. How old already still play what part time, full time one. tsk tsk.....the worst thing is he knows my guy because they were in the same course during poly but they didn't know each other well except for each other's presence. He's weird la...always claiming that he knows that i am horny....Crazy, through what way does he know i'm horny. Even if i'm horny, i do not LUST for him. He is just an absolute turn off.

Anyway, Adri says she wants to find a sugardaddy.....don't know if thats for real....but well i'll just help her advertise. Any guys who is financially well to do, 30 and above, pleasant looking can just email us at . All will be kept confidential....haha i wonder if Adri sees this will want to kill me.


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